
Friday, May 24, 2024


Warmup - Do 3 rounds of:
Pullup - 5 reps
Pushup - 10 reps
Air Squat - 15 reps

#1  BB Row - 3 sets x 15 reps
Set 1 - 15 reps at 90% of top weight for today
Set 2 - 15 reps at top weight
Set 3 - 15 reps back down at 90%

#2 Strict Pullup - 40 total reps
Break it up however you want.
Just work as quickly as you can to finish all 40 reps.

#3  In any order and any combination, do:
Burpee                             60 reps
DB Hammer Curl              60 reps
Double Under                   120 reps

Then REST 2 minutes.

Then in any order and any combination, do:
Goblet Squat                      90 reps
Inverted Row                      60 reps
1" Deficit Pushup               90 reps

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