
Monday, May 20, 2024


Warmup - With an unweighted BB, do 2 rounds of:
Row - 10 reps
Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps
Back Squat - 10 reps

Then do 1 set x 5 reps of BB Tempo PAUSE Back Squat at 40% of 1RM

#1  BB Back Squat - 3 sets x 10 reps at 60% of 1RM

#2  Start a timer.  Do one round of:
American Kettlebell Swing     40 reps
Goblet Squat                            100 reps
Inverted Row                            50 reps
Burpee                                       50 reps
Pullup                                        50 reps
DB Ground to Overhead        30 reps each side

You are only working EVEN minutes.
REST ODD minutes.  

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