
Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Warmup - Do 3 rounds of:
Pullup - 5 reps
Pushup - 10 reps
Air Squat - 15 reps

#1  Strict Pullup - 45 reps
Break it up however you want.
PAUSE for one second at the TOP of each rep, and
PAUSE for one second at the BOTTOM of each rep.
Get as high as you can over the bar each rep.  

#2  BB Row - 4 sets x 12 reps
Same weight all 4 sets.

#3  American Kettlebell Swing - 30 reps

Then, in any order and any combination, do:
Air Squat                                          120 reps
1" Deficit Pushup                              80 reps
Double Under                                   120 reps
DB Ground to Overhead                    40 reps each side
Standing BB Curl                              50 reps
DB Thruster                                       50 reps

Then one more set of American Kettlebell Swing - 30 reps

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