
Monday, January 9, 2023


Warmup - Do 2 rounds of:
DB Reverse Fly - 12 reps (light weight)
Seated DB Shoulder Press - 12 reps (light weight)
Air Squat - 12 reps

#1  Seated DB Shoulder Press - 4 sets x 12 reps
Start with a moderate weight and then add weight
each set.

#2  Pullup - 30 total reps
Break this up however you want.  For each rep, pause
at the bottom for one second, and pause at the top for
one second.

#3  This is 6 rounds of continuous work.
Round 1 - Do A, B, C, D, E and F
Round 2 - Do A, B, C, D and E
Round 3 - Do A, B, C and D
Round 4 - Do A, B and C
Round 5 - Do A and B
Round 6 - Do A

A) DB Thruster - 10 reps
B) Cable Row - 12 reps
C) BB Nosebreaker - 15 reps
D) DB Hammer Curl - 20 reps
E) Tire Pull - 50 meters with 50 lbs in the tire
F) Run - 400 meters

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