
Friday, March 13, 2015


Warmup - With an unweighted BB, do 2 rounds of:
      Clean Grip Row - 15 reps
      Standing Shoulder Press - 10 reps
      Back Squat - 5 reps with a 3 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep

#1  BB Clean Grip Deadlift (No Touch)

      4 sets x 5 reps
      Rest between sets.
      Keep the BB about 1-3" off the floor at the bottom of each rep.
      Slow and controlled.  Try to add weight each set.

#2  Strict Unweighted Pullup

      Do a set every minute, on the minute.  You pick the number of
      reps for the first minute, then add one rep each minute.  Try to pick
      a starting number that allows you to complete at least 5-7 sets.  You
      are done when either you fail to the complete the required number of
      reps before the start of the next minute, or you complete 10 sets.
      So, if you start with 6 reps for the first minute, you would be done
      when either you fail, or you complete the set of 15 reps.

#3  Do 1 round of:

      BB Row - 15 reps
      Prisoner Squat - 75 reps
      BB Row - 15 reps

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