
Friday, October 25, 2013

BACK - 10/25/13

Warmup - At a comfortable pace, do:
      10 BB Front Squats and 10 BB Rows with an unweighted BB
      8 BB Front Squats and 8 BB Rows with 95 lbs
      6 BB Front Squats and 6 BB Rows with 115 lbs

#1  Every minute, on the minute, you will do 2 sets.  The progression looks like this:

      0:00 - BB Row - 1 rep, Burpee - 10 reps
      1:00 - BB Row - 2 reps, Burpee - 9 reps
      2:00 - BB Row - 3 reps, Burpee - 8 reps...

      Continue this pattern, adding one BB Row and subtracting one burpee per minute
      until the 9:00 minute mark (10 reps of BB Row and 1 burpee).

#2  Stand on the Band BB Deadlift      5-5-5-5-5 reps

      Rest between sets.  Start with a weight you can easily manage and then try to add
      weight each set.  There is a demo of this one on the exercise demo page.

#3  Do 3 rounds of:

      Vertical Sledgehammer VS Tire (swinging 12 to 6 o'clock) - 1 minute
      REST - 1 minute
      Cable Row - 30 seconds
      REST - 1 minute

      For the sledgehammer, go 30 seconds left handed and 30 seconds right handed.
      At station 18, we have James Garee's 38 pound sledgehammer that we use for
      this exercise.  If you want to see how an actual adult swings a 38 pound sledge, 
      ask Dave Mechem, James Garee, or somebody at Station 14 or Station 8 to show
      you.  If you want to see what a 3rd grader looks like swinging a sledgehammer, 
      then check out my demo right here!


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