As part of your warmup:
Run 400 meters at a comfortable pace
Then, with an unweighted BB, do 3 continuous rounds of:
BB Squat (no pause) - 10 reps
Clean Grip Behind the Neck Shoulder Press - 10 reps
#1 Do 6 rounds of:
Lateral Shuffle to the Right - 12.5 meters
Lateral Shuffle to the Left - 12.5 meters
Sprint - 25 meters
Effort level for the 6 rounds is:
Round 1 - 50%, Round 2 - 60%, Round 3 - 70%, Round 4, 5, and 6 - 80%
For the lateral shuffle, don't cross your feet. The movement is the same as if you
were playing defense in basketball and moving laterally. Rest between rounds.
#2 Every even minute, do 5 reps of Ground to Overhead.
Every odd minute, do 12 reps of Seated DB Shoulder Press.
Do 8 total sets (4 sets of ground to overhead and 4 sets of DB shoulder press)
#3 Do 3 rounds of:
Standing BB Shoulder Press - 4 reps
BB Sumo High Pull - 8 reps
DB Reverse Fly - 12 reps
Jump Squat - 16 reps
Rest between rounds.
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