
Sunday, June 2, 2013

CHEST          6/2/13

As part of your warmup, do 3 rounds of:
      Kipping Pullup - 10 reps
      BB Thruster (unweighted) - 10 reps
      Pushup (not hand release) - 10 reps

      Rest a minute or so between rounds and then do
      BB Bench Press (no pause) - 15 reps at 50% of your 1RM

#1  Every EVEN minute, on the minute, do 5 reps of BB Rack Press.
      Every ODD minute, on the minute, do 10 reps of BB Deadlift.

      In between sets of bench press and deadlift, you are doing burpees.  
      You are done with #1 when you have completed 60 burpees.
      You pick the weight for bench press and deadlift.  

#2  BB Bench Press with a 2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep - 5 reps per set

      Start with 60% of your bench press 1 Rep Max, and do 5 reps.  Rest as needed
      and then add 10 lbs for your next set of 5 reps.  Keep adding 10 lbs per set until
      you fail.  As soon as you fail, decrease the load by 40 lbs and go to failure again.

#3  Do 2 rounds of:

      Close Grip Pushup (tips of thumbs 2" apart) - 15 reps
      EZ Curl Bar Nosebreaker - 15 reps

      Rest between sets.