
Friday, April 22, 2022


Warmup - Do 2 rounds of:
DB Row - 10 reps each side (light weight)
BB Bench Press - 10 reps (light weight)
Goblet Squat - 10 reps (light weight)

#1  BB Bench Press
7 sets x 2 reps at 92.5% of 1RM

#2  With a partner, in 15 minutes, do as many 
rounds as you can of:
DB Incline Bench Press - 20 reps
BB Deadlift - 10 reps
Goblet Squat - 20 reps
Pushup - 20 reps
DB Ground to Overhead - 10 reps each side
Cable Row - 20 reps
Run 100 meters

ALTERNATE EXERCISES between partners.
Partner A does DB Inclines, then Partner B does Deadlifts.
Partner A does Goblet Squats, then Partner B does Pushups.
Partner A does ground to overheads, then Partner B does rows.
Partner A runs, then Partner B does DB Inclines, etc.  

#3  BB Bench Press - PAUSE + NEGATIVES
7 sets x 2 paused reps + 1 negative rep
PAUSE at the bottom of each rep for 2 seconds.
On the negative reps, take 10 seconds to lower 
the weight, then have your spotter help you
rerack it.  Start light then try to add weight 
each set. 

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