
Friday, May 29, 2015


Warmup - Do 1 round of:
      Air Squat - 25 reps
      DB Reverse Fly - 20 reps (light weight)
      Pushup - 15 reps (not hand release)
      Unweighted BB Push Press - 10 reps
      Unweighted BB Back Squat - 5 reps with a 5 sec PAUSE at the bottom

#1  Cable Row - This is 2 sets.  Both sets are the same.  One set looks like this:
      Goal is 8 reps, but do as many complete reps as you can, and then do 2
      partial reps.  Work hard on the partial reps!  Immediately decrease weight
      and the goal is 4 reps.  But again do as many complete reps as you can, and
      then do 2 partial reps.  Rest and then do one more set just like the first one. 

#2  In 10 minutes, do as many quality rounds as you can of:
      BB Row
      Toes to Bar
      24" Box Jump

      For the first round, do 5 reps per exercise.
      For the second round, do 7 reps per exercise.
      For the third round, do 9 reps per exercise.
      Every round, continue adding 2 reps per exercise until you reach the
      10 minute time limit.

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