As part of your warmup, do:
Air Squat - 20 reps
BB Back Squat (unweighted BB) - 15 reps
BB Back Squat 50% of 1RM - 10 reps
BB Back Squat 55% of 1RM - 5 reps
Rest about a minute between sets.
#1 BB Back Squat 15-15 reps
Load for Set 1 is 60% of your 1RM. Go by feel for Set 2. Try to add weight
for Set 2 if you can. Rest between sets.
#2 Do 4 rounds of:
BB Hip Clean - 1 rep
BB Hang Clean - 1 rep
BB Clean (from the floor) - 1 rep
Do all 3 reps in a row, without releasing the BB. Rest between rounds.
Try to increase weight for each round.
For the hip clean, while standing with the BB, bend just slightly at the knees
and hips (the bar should only travel a couple inches down your thighs) then
a) aggressively extend your knees and hips
b) pull yourself under the bar
For the hang clean, the pull starts when the bar is at the top of the knees.
#3 You will do one set, every minute, on the minute. Round 1 looks like this:
0:00 - BB Front Squat - 9 reps
1:00 - Hand Release Pushup - 9 reps
2:00 - Jump Squat - 9 reps
3:00 - Kipping Pullup - 9 reps
Round 2 starts at 4:00, and you will do 12 REPS per exercise.
Round 3 starts at 8:00, and you will do 15 REPS per exercise.
You will continue to add 3 reps to each exercise every round until either
a) you fail to complete one of the sets in one minute
b) you complete Round 5 (21 reps per exercise)
For the Front Squat, pick a weight before you start and then try to stick
with that weight for all the rounds.
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