BB Push Press (unweighted BB) - 5 reps
BB Front Squat (unweighted BB) - 5 reps
BB Hang Clean (unweighted BB) - 5 reps
DB (light weight) Bench Press - 10 reps
Rest about a minute between rounds.
#1 BB Bench Press WITH BANDS for SPEED (no pause)
Every 30 seconds, do 3 reps. You will do 8 sets. Load on the bar for all
sets is 32% of your 1RM. We want a quick, controlled downward phase and
then an EXPLOSIVE upward phase for all reps. Your last set starts at
3 minutes and 30 seconds.
#2 BB Floor Press with a 2 second PAUSE at the bottom of each rep 4-4-4-4 reps
Start with a weight you can easily manage and then add weight each set.
Rest between sets.
#3 This is 3 rounds. Start a timer.
0:00 - BB Clean with a 2 second PAUSE (65% of 1RM) - 3 reps
1:00 - BB Bench Press with a 2 sec ISOMETRIC PAUSE each rep - 6 reps
2:00 - Plate Pull - 40 feet
3:00 - Hand Release Pushup - 20 reps
4:00 - Burpee - 20 reps
5:00 - REST
Round 2 starts at 6:00, and Round 3 starts at 12:00.
For the BB Clean, for each rep, PAUSE for 2 seconds in the bottom position
after you pull and receive (catch) the bar. Just to be clear, you are paused
in the same position as the bottom of the front squat, after you catch it,
for 2 seconds.
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