
Monday, August 19, 2013

BACK - 8/20/13

Warmup: At a comfortable pace, do 4 rounds of:
      Pullup - 5 reps
      Pushup - 10 reps
      Air Squat - 15 reps

#1  Depth Jump to a Second Box      8-8-8 reps

      Set up 2 boxes, 3' apart.  You will step off an 18" box, land with both feet,
      and immediately upon landing, jump up onto a 24" box.  Try to minimize
      the ground contact time after you step off the 18" box.  Be explosive with
      each rep.  Rest between sets.

#2  BB Reverse Deadlift (clean grip)     3-3-3-3 reps

      The upward (concentric) phase is done at a normal pace.  The downward
      (eccentric) phase is 5 SECONDS FOR EACH REP.  Smooth, controlled,
      perfect posture on every rep.  Start with a weight you can easily manage and
      then try to move up in weight.  Rest between sets.

#3  In 12 minutes, do as many rounds as possible of:

      Cable Row - 15 reps
      DB Thruster - 12 reps
      Toes to Bar - 9 reps
      REST - 1 minute

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