
Friday, May 2, 2014


Warmup - At a comfortable pace, do 2 rounds of:
      DB Reverse Fly - 15 reps
      Unweighted BB Thruster - 10 reps

#1  BB Overhead Squat      4 sets x 3 reps with a 5 second PAUSE (bottom of each rep)
      Set 1 - Snatch Grip, Heels on 5 lb plates
      Set 2 - Same Grip as Set 1, Heels flat on ground
      Set 3 - Grip at least 1" more narrow, Heels on 5 lb plates
      Set 4 - Same grip as Set 3, Heels flat on ground
      You can add weight as you go, or just stay at the same weight for all sets.
      Rest between sets.

#2  Standing BB Shoulder Press      1 set x 10 reps (as heavy as you can)

#3  In 5 minutes, do as many quality rounds as you can of:

      DB Lateral Raise - 10 reps
      Air Squat - 15 reps

#4  Standing BB Shouder Press      1 set x 15 reps (as heavy as you can)

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