
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

SHOULDERS - 1/8/14

Warmup - Do 5 rounds of:
      DB Thruster - 6 reps (light weight)
      Sprint - 25 meters

      Effort level for the sprints is: Rd1 - 50%, Rd2 - 60%, Rd3 - 70%, Rd4 - 80%,
      Rd5 - 90%

#1  On the 50 meter course, sprint 100 meters for time.  Do 2 reps.  Rest between
      reps.  We will record our best time.

#2  Standing BB Shoulder Press
      Every minute, on the minute, do 6 reps.  Do 6 total sets.  Try to use the same
      weight for all 6 sets.

#3  This is 12 minutes.

      DB Lateral Raise - 10 reps
      Toes to Bar - 10 reps
      BB Push Press - 10 reps
      REST - 30 seconds
      DB Lateral Raise - 12 reps
      Toes to Bar - 12 reps
      BB Push Press - 12 reps
      REST - 30 seconds
      DB Lateral Raise - 14 reps....

      Continue this pattern, adding 2 reps per round, until you get to 12 minutes. 

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