
Monday, January 4, 2021


Warmup - Do 2 rounds of:
Banded Pull Apart - 15 reps
DB Lateral Raise - 10 reps (light weight)
Unweighted BB Back Squat - 10 reps

#1  Pullup - 50 reps
PAUSE for 2 seconds at the TOP and BOTTOM of each rep
Break this up however you like.

#2  This is continuous work.  Do 5 rounds of:
BB Ground to Overhead - 3 reps 
BB Nosebreaker - 10 reps
BB Curl - 10 reps 
Goblet Squat - 15 reps
Overhead Bumper Plate Walk - 50 meters

#3  Cable Row - 6 sets x 6 reps
Pick a weight that is challenging but you can get all 6 reps each set
with good posture and good technique.  

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