Standing Behind the Neck Shoulder Press - 5 reps (PAUSE for 2 sec at TOP)
Front Squat (no pause) - 10 reps
Hip Clean - 5 reps
#1 BB Clean
Set 1 - 5 reps at 60% of 1RM
Set 2 - 4 reps at 65% of 1RM
Set 3 - 3 reps at 70% of 1RM
Set 4 - 2 reps at 75% of 1RM
Set 5 - 1 rep at 80% of 1RM
Set 6 - 1 rep at 85% of 1RM
Rest between sets. Reset your starting position between every rep. These are
not "touch and go" reps.
#2 BB Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1 rep
See the video below. Using a timer for each rep, the negative (going down) is 10
seconds, the PAUSE at the bottom is 10 seconds, and then stand up at a normal
tempo. Rest between sets. Start with 50% of your front squat 1RM and then
try to add weight each set.
#3 Do 2 rounds of:
Air Squat - 50 reps
Double Under - 40 reps
Hand Release Pushup - 30 reps
Kipping Pullup - 20 reps
BB Back Squat - 10 reps
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
The link to the video seems to broken. Can you repost?